“(In Regards to a Barbizon Competition)
I wanted to take a moment to Thank your team at Barbizon for a job well done this past weekend in Dallas Texas. When I first signed my daughter Julia up for the competition I thought that this might be a BIG SCAM but I went ahead and paid the fee for the show anyway. Of course like all Moms I want my daughter to do well and I would do anything to help her with her dreams. We made this a family event. My husband, 2 sons and my sister (from Oklahoma) came for the show. I never realized the amount of time and energy that was involved in a show like this until we experienced it first hand. I’m so thankful that I didn’t listen to the bad news about Barbizon and we went to the show. We had so much FUN! From our experience Barbizon is what you make of it. Nothing in life is free and modeling is hard work and will take time to perfect your skill. I believe that Barbizon is a great 1st step for those that think they might want to get into the business.”