Step 1 of 8 12% Please fill out the form below to continue the quiz. Thank you! First Name(Required)Last Name(Required)Email(Required) Phone(Required)Zip Code(Required)GenderGenderFemaleMaleNon-BinaryPrefer Not to SayAge(Required)Instagram Have you seen models in magazines or actors on TV and thought, "I want to do that?" Have you seen models in magazines or actors on TV and thought, "I want to do that?"(Required) All the time Sometimes Never Would you rather be seen in a fashion magazine or on TV? Would you rather be seen in a fashion magazine or on TV?(Required) Magazine TV Neither How do you feel about having your picture taken? How do you feel about having your picture taken?(Required) I love it It doesn't bother me I don't like it Do you have experience performing on stage? Do you have experience performing on stage?(Required) No, but I would like to Yes No, and I have no interest When you watch TV or movies, do you feel you will someday be a star too? When you watch TV or movies, do you feel you will someday be a star too?(Required) Maybe Yes! Not at all How interested in Fashion are you? How interested in Fashion are you?(Required) Completely obsessed I like clothes, but I'm not obsessed Not at all interested If you had to choose, what would you be? If you had to choose, what would you be?(Required) Actor Model Neither