Personal Development
Our personal development curriculum includes the following:Our personal development curriculum includes the following:
- Confidence Development
- Speech and Voice Projection
- Dressing for Success
- Interview Skills
- Poise and Posture
- Etiquette
- Skincare Basics
- Nutrition and Fitness
- Public Speaking
- Voice and Dictation Skills
- Resume Development

What People Are Saying
Barbizon has helped my self-improvement and confidence by assisting me in my development of a healthy, daily schedule and lifestyle as well as an understanding on how to behave appropriately within any professional setting.
Barbizon was an unexpected opportunity for me. It has greatly improved my social skills, the way I dress, and my self-confidence. Barbizon has taught me how to take care of my skin, hair, and nails. They also taught me how to do makeup and modeling/runway! Barbizon has opened up many new, unexpected opportunities.
Barbizon has changed my life in so many different ways. It has made me so much more confident when it comes to public speaking, walking the runway like a model, and performing a memorized commercial without getting really nervous, where before I came to Barbizon, I couldn't do any of these things. Every time I see Barbizon on my calendar,...
Barbizon has enhanced my life in the best way possible. I say this because Barbizon has taught me that I am perfect the way I am, but I can always better myself. I have been able to come out of my shell and interact with others and make friends as well. Thanks to Barbizon, I am now able to present...
I have learned a lot from these six months at Barbizon. I have learned how to walk like a model, improvization, acting, and performing cold reads a lot better since practicing with my peers. I have made great connections with like minded people as well as learned from their insight in many ways. I will never stop evolving. I will...
Barbizon has taught me how to be a better me and has prepared me for the future. They have taught me how to be able to walk without cutting people off or how to wait for people to be done talking their talk. They also taught me about what color looks good on me and how to properly dress! My...
"My 9 year old son started with Barbizon with medium self a steam and after almost completing the class I can already see a more confident young man ready for the world! he's more excited about any journeys ahead. His speaking in front of people has improved so much because of Barbizon. This was a great experience for us."...
"I had a fantastic experience with Barbizon. Their team is professional, supportive, and truly committed to helping models succeed. From the moment I signed on, I felt valued and well-guided. They provide excellent opportunities and offer great advice for growing in the industry. Whether you're just starting out or looking to advance your career, I highly recommend this."...
"My daughter Iyana Johnson is currently obtaining training through Barbizon to become a commercial model. Her training is going extremely well as she's modeling better, and learning great new techniques. More importantly, her self confidence is improving, and she's extremely happy with all of the new training that she's learning. I owe building her confidence all to Barbizon."
"Barbizon was a great choice for my daughter. She's learning so much. At the beginning, my daughter was very shy and reserved. Now, she has so much confidence. Her teacher has taught her so much, and I couldn't be more proud."
Barbizon classes have become a monthly highlight in my schedule—something I genuinely look forward to. I've cherished the moments spent with friends and the experiences we share, applying what I learn in class to my everyday life. My main focus has been on improving my acting skills. As someone constantly involved in theater and drama, I value the advice given...
Barbizon managed to open my eyes to many new career opportunities and has given me the confidence to pursue this industry. Throughout this course, I learned the importance of taking care of my overall appearance and health. As well as, what connections to certain people mean, and how each connection would either benefit or not benefit my career.
This Barbizon class has enhanced my life in countless ways. The energy in our classroom is always cheerful, and everyone is excited for the fun activities we have planned for the day. It’s been wonderful to meet so many people and make new friends I wouldn’t have encountered otherwise.
Barbizon wasn’t just about learning to walk and striking a pose, it was more than just learning to walk and strike a pose; it was a transformative experience that helped me become a more confident and well-rounded person. Before I started, the thought of speaking in front of people or even making eye contact, sometimes filled me with dread. However,...
Before Barbizon I was very shy and awkward. I did not know how to take pictures, and I walked with low confidence. I noticed an instant Improvement after day one. The exercises, practicing, and sharing in front of each other, helped me talk to people outside of class with ease. I definitely feel a lot more confident in myself and...
This is how I have met new people and made new friends along the way. Barbizon gave me new experiences, and helped me learn how to handle different situations. I even learned proper etiquette! I know that, even if I may not continue to act or model in the future, this entire program was beneficial for me!
I have made improvements in my posture, public speaking, and my physique. I have also noticed that I am more confident in my natural beauty and how I carry myself. I dress in a more fashionable way, that is also more flattering for myself. With the help of Barbizon, my skincare routine has become more extensive and my skin looks...
Barbizon classes are more than just learning about the industry, they also help master self-assurance. I learned the secrets of body language and how to carry myself. I know it is not just about looking good but also feeling good. The classes have taught me the power of confidence. I also discovered goals and strengths that I didn't know I...
I have had the amazing opportunity to work and learn with such loving people who excite me to show my personality. I've learned so many new things about myself and the industry. This has blessed me with new friendships and knowledge. I see a huge difference in my projection and confidence.
Barbizon is not just a school to me, it's like therapy or a place of peace for me because I overthink so much. Here the teachers make you feel like everything is going to be ok. Self-love is what hit hard for me.
My confidence has skyrocketed, I've made great friends, and learned ways to pursue my dreams in and out of the industry. I have always felt welcome. Barbizon helped me be the best version of myself.
Now that I've spent time and experienced Barbizon, I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity. Barbizon enhanced my life by showing me that a part of living is taking risks. They've told me every new opportunity is a chance to achieve greatness. As I look at the person I was before Barbizon, I realize the incredible changes I have made.
Barbizon has had a significant impact on my life. Throughout my life, I have always felt the need to conform in order to be accepted, whether that meant keeping quiet, toning down my personality, or changing my style. Barbizon has shown me that I can be my true self and still have people who support me and appreciate me for...
I have better confidence in myself. I learned to love myself more and appreciate what I see in the mirror. I can also have people take a camera out and not get scared. scared. I don't laugh at childish stuff anymore. I learned how to be serious in situations that require it. I know when and when not to joke...
Walking into day one I didn't know what to expect. With new people and new faces, I was nervous about how it would all turn out. Lucky for me, my classmates and instructor made it the best experience. We have grown as a class together over time. It allowed me to be comfortable with everyone and have the confidence to...
In the hustle that comes with Barbizon, I've learned balance. Barbizon has taught me mindfulness and self-confidence. I've become fully aware of my surroundings and learned to live in the moment. Barbizon has taught me to incorporate everything they teach into my daily routines. With this, I've learned to navigate the complexities that come with life, with a sense of...
Barbizon has most definitely enhanced my life. One way it has is by showing me that even as a child, it's important to express myself and how to dress for my shape and features. These classes have also given me a chance to work my way out of my dark, lonely shell and develop a higher level of confidence in...
Confidence, passion, and self-love were all part of the journey with Barbizon. I never imagined getting this far, especially as a young girl. It first changed my life when I made new friends. Friends that supported and understood me.
Barbizon has enhanced my life deeply. It has helped make me a better version of myself and has helped me build up my confidence. I do not regret coming here. I am proud of myself, my progress, and how much I've improved and increased my knowledge of how to model and act. Barbizon helped give me hope on how I...
Barbizon has enhanced my life in many different ways. I have learned how to project my voice and establish my presence in a room full of people. I've also learned techniques on how to walk a runway. The training from Barbizon not only helps in the industry but also the outside world.
Our instructors were amazing. I feel like taught us so much. They were always patient and made sure the people who were scared to step out of their shells didn't feel alone. I am so thankful for this opportunity and the people I have met.
I've grown and learned so many things. Walking in, I had little to no knowledge of the industry. I never had the opportunity to learn. I've learned not only to be my best self, but also how to be more confident, to properly care for myself and my appearance.
Barbizon gave me strength. It has given me the answer to so many questions I have had in my life. Every time I came home, I felt so confident and proud. I was able to show my family how much I had grown as a person. Barbizon was truly a starting point to my future in the modeling industry and...
"I have been able to see my value and what I have to offer. Barbizon has helped me in school and my extracurricular activities. I have even made new friends! With my newfound confidence, I'm not scared in unfamiliar situations. I always put my best self forward. Thank you, Barbizon! "
Barbizon enhanced my life in ways that go beyond knowing how to walk the runway or sit properly in a chair. I have felt more myself now than ever before. This opportunity of self-discovery is unlike my previous experiences; the community, leadership, and lessons have impacted me in an unparalleled fashion. The life lessons I've gained will serve me throughout...
Barbizon has changed my life for the better. I'm way more confident than on my first day of class. I've been more outgoing and engaged in school and my drama class. I have even been raising my hand to speak out in my academic classes. Barbizon also helped me be more confident in my looks and body. Before Barbizon, I...
"Barbizon has enhanced my life in numerous ways. I have grown to be more confident in myself. Also, it has opened my mind to more opportunities. Barbizon has influenced me to keep up with good habits and stay on top of modeling and fashion techniques. I learned multiple tips on how to succeed in the modeling and acting business. I've...
"When I joined Barbizon I was really shy and thought everyone would think the same of me. Little by little I became more confident and didn't care what people thought or said about me, including the bullies. I even took off my mask & owned it. Barbizon helped me in a very positive way."
"With Barbizon I feel like my fear went away and I really enjoy talking and meeting people more than I did before. Overall, I just want to thank Barbizon for preparing me for the future. With Barbizon I feel like I have a really big advantage in the industry."
"Growing up, I have always wanted to be on screen and Barbrizon got me one step closer to that goal. Not only did they prepare me, but I've made so many friends as well! On my first day, I was pretty nervous. But by the end of the day, I had a bunch of new friends. Barbrizon taught me to...
"My confidence has no limits and I know that thanks to every lesson I've learned here and from advice I have received from my instructors, whom I am infinitely grateful for. My modeling skills have never been better and I even know the basics for acting too! I couldn't be more thankful for this opportunity and I know that this...
Barbizon enhanced my life by allowing me to become more confident in my everyday life. They have allowed me to see my worth each and every day. I've become more headstrong with everything I do. My posture and mannerisms have gotten better during the time I attended classes. I'd like to thank Barbizon for this once in a lifetime opportunity.
I started going to Barbizon with the intention of just learning how to walk the runway but Barbizon has changed, enhanced and taught me so much more than that. I have learned things like manners and etiquette. This is stuff that will help me throughout my life, not just in my career. I am much more confident with myself.
Barbizon has taught me the importance of self care, healthy living and helped me embrace my uniqueness. Barbizon has provided me with invaluable guidance and support, helping me develop my skills and true potential. I've learned to carry myself with grace, professionalism and resilience.
Barbizon has been an amazing experience! I have learned so much and grown as a person, thanks to this wonderful program. feel happier with my body and more confident in my abilities not only as an aspiring male model but as someone going into high school.
I couldn't have asked for better people to truly find myself again and be comfortable with who I am. Yes, many days were stressful, but they never let me slip because they knew what I was capable of. I've grown since attending Barbizon. Not only that, but I am showing younger me that I won't let her down and we...
Barbizon has helped to improve my self-confidence and taught me tips I can apply in the real world. I have learned how to be proper and professional while learning about my modeling career. My posture, independence and attitude have improved tremendously.
Before Barbizon, I was too shy to talk to my boss majority of the time while I was at work. As I kept attending the classes my confidence went up so much that I ended up getting promoted at work. My professional relationships have improved because I am more confident, presentable and professional.
Barbizon has granted me with so many blessings and an enhanced awareness that I will hold with me for the rest of my life. I got to learn the importance of self-esteem and loving my own skin. Barbizon has allowed me to see the beauty within myself and those around me
"When I was younger, my mother and my aunt put me into the Barbizon program. It's so much more than just a modeling program, and that's something a lot of people don't was an opportunity that gave me life skills that are absolutely unparalleled."...
Barbizon Has made me the person i am today! It gave me confidence to believe in myself, I got to meet tons of new people and my teachers were so patient with me while i was learning. Barbizon has opened many doors for me and I know that they will continue to be opened for me. THANKS BARBIZON... I appreciate...
Somebody at school recommended her to Barbizon and then Barbizon contacted us. The sign-up process was fairly easy and since being with Barbizon, my child's more confident and outgoing. She was always a leader but now she also carries herself in a more feminine manner. She does her hair more often and dresses nicer too.
Barbizon helped build my confidence, taught me how to communicate better and so many things about acting and modeling. I am thankful Barbizon gave me the opportunity to meet new people and build new friendships. This is an outstanding opportunity for me to grow and it was such an enjoyable environment to be in.
One of the most important things I learned at Barbizon is that my confidence is my character. I was taught how to walk a runway properly and have made many friends during my time here. This is just the start of my career in the industry.
Barbizon enhanced my life in many ways. I have become more social from having the opportunity to meet new people. I can also hold conversations and understand terms of the industry. My next goal after Barbizon is to finish high school and move to New York to attend my dream college and sign with an agency.
"My son is a recent graduate of the Barbizon School of Modeling & Acting. My son came in with a dream of hopefully becoming a professional actor one day and feeling doubtful, to coming out with a great attitude! Plus his confidence level has gone up. The classes he took have paid off. Since graduating my son has signed on...
"Barbizon provides the talented instructors and constructive learning environment designed especially to lead young people down the path to success."
"Joining Barbizon was one of the best decisions I could have ever made. From the moment I stepped through the doors, I could feel the encouragement and positive energy flowing through every room."
"Barbizon definitely helped me way more that what I could do on my own. It gave me the opportunity to do what I wanted to do and it helped me along the way. And it definitely taught me more than I could ever learn from magazines or anything like that. The teachers are there to help you and to make...
"Since I graduated from Barbizon I’ve been in 4 competitions and won awards in all of them and signed with Mega Model Management in Miami. Barbizon was the thing that got my foot in the door."
"Barbizon was such a life changing experience. Even from the first day, I met awesome people and was immersed in knowledge of the industry. I always looked forward to classes, it was my favorite time to come and learn about this new industry with other people like me."
"Where to begin… Barbizon has changed my life in such a wonderful way! The classes have taught me to be proud of whom I am. From the first day, I knew it was a new beginning for me and for everyone else that was there with me! Barbizon should be a requirement for all teenage girls and boys!"
"It is my great pleasure when someone asks me where I got my “start”; I can proudly say that it all started at Barbizon! I am so thankful I took advantage of this great opportunity that was presented to me. Barbizon has made me a whole person. Not only has it helped me pursue my modeling and acting career, but...
"It's been a year since I auditioned for Barbizon. Who would have thought that in one year, I would be featured in over one hundred magazines and billboard ads..."WOW"! One day I'm in London, the next I am in New York City! Now, I am a regular on the soap All My Children and have had nothing but thrilling success....
"Barbizon enhanced my life by making me feel good about myself on the inside and the way that I appear on the outside. I use the skills that I learned at Barbizon everyday, from how to apply make-up to how to walk. The people there encourage you to set goals and how to accomplish them. Barbizon is a wonderful experience...
"Barbizon gave me the confidence to fulfill my dreams of becoming an actress. I was nervous at first, because I didn't know anyone. But, I was soon feeling at ease because the people here and in my group welcomed me and made me feel special. We are like one big family. I will never forget you, or the confidence you...
"I can assure everyone and anyone Barbizon is an EXCELLENT place to start! 100% class!"
"I wanted to thank you for all you are doing with our girls in their training sessions. My 9 year old daughter Logan came home Sunday evening and ‘formally set’ our dinner table. She was so excited to show us all she has been learning. Great job. Thank you!"
"To say that Megan has bloomed over the course of your instruction would be an understatement. I have seen her confidence grow after each session. A drive and fire burns within her; goals have been set as a result. Plans for her future have now become a focal point of our conversation. You have given her tools that have allowed...
"Our daughter Trina has always set goals for herself. To assist in realizing her goals, we enrolled her in your modeling classes. I am happy to tell you that the training you and your staff have given her exceeded our expectations. Her classmates at school remarked that she always dressed sharply and had a very positive attitude. This positive attitude...
"I just had to share my feelings with you concerning the training you provided my son, Layron. He gained knowledge that I never would have been able to afford nor thought would ever be possible. He had many positive experiences and he had fun. His self-confidence is higher and he is pleased that he was able to show others that...
"Everyone on Barbizon's staff was so friendly and so willing to help."
"(In Regards to a Barbizon Competition) I wanted to take a moment to Thank your team at Barbizon for a job well done this past weekend in Dallas Texas. When I first signed my daughter Julia up for the competition I thought that this might be a BIG SCAM but I went ahead and paid the fee for the show...
"For us, as a family this has been about supporting Sam and giving her the greatest opportunity to be everything she desires to be. Barbizon has been an extraordinary experience for our entire family. (So much so that Sam's older sister, Rachel is now interested). We are excited for the journey ahead and know that it is all about effort...
"I left with a new confidence that I’ve never experienced before. I was confident I could put on make up correctly, walk on stage gracefully, and confident I could be a better speaker. Read more from Jena on the Barbizon of Georgia Website"
""I tell you, Barbizon has been one of the best things ever for this girl - she has SO much confidence. She has really tapped into what makes her "tick" and is totally going for it and doing great! Her agents love her, and are very encouraging for her future as a commercial actress and model. Keep your eye out...
"Oana recently did an interview with Aspiring Hollywood where she took the time to thank Barbizon. Oana has done a lot of print work for both Billabong and Bratz. She has also been involved in doing fashion shows for big names such as Hilary Duff and Mary-Kate and Ashley Olson! Oana’s advice for aspiring actors and models, Don’t give up!...
"Savannah was diagnosed at age 5 with Hepatoblastoma which is a rare liver cancer in children. Previously I had just finished radiation treatments for Breast Cancer and she was diagnosed with this liver cancer within 6 weeks of my treatment ending. So our family knows the emotional rollercoaster cancer puts you through. We also know the joy of survivorship as...
"It just seem like yesterday i was a 13 year old that had a dream to be a model and actor. after, i was done with Barbizon i started to have the most greatest opportunity of my life i am so bless for everything now i have a competition that's coming up and i am ready to shine show them...
"I'm Receiving Modeling Jobs Right And Left! Thank You So Much Barbizon! I'm Extremely Grateful:)"
"loved my experience here :)"
"I would like to thank you for the amazing opportunity you have given me with Barbizon. I truly had a memorable time and gained much knowledge about modeling and acting. I appreciate all of your time and dedication you have put towards all of the students."
"I wanted to email you and say thank you very very much, for accepting me in Barbizon modeling and acting school back in September. I had so much fun and I had such a great time learning everything. I'm so glad to have met you and Tina and all the students that were in my class. I never thought that...
"My daughter Kathryn (Katie) is a recent graduate; graduating in March of this year. I always knew she had talent but Barbizon made her really shine. They are wonderful!!! They have instilled so much confidence and uplifted her self esteem that she is more confident than ever to go out and show people in the industry what she has. Many...
"I'm sending you a big thank you. Because of Barbizon & you, Megan, my daughter who was at one time a sufferer of very low self-esteem has turned into this lovely young lady."
"I just graduated from Barbizon and am so thankful to have this amazing experience! At graduation, I was so happy to win the beauty pageant. I attached a photo taken after class, tiara and all. I am looking forward to my future. Thank you for supporting me and for this experience!"
"I wanted to email you and say thank you very very much, for accepting me in Barbizon modeling and acting school back in September. I had so much fun and I had such a great time learning everything. I'm so glad to have met you and Tina and all the students that were in my class. I never thought that...
"My daughter Kathryn (Katie) is a recent graduate; graduating in March of this year. I always knew she had talent but Barbizon made her really shine. They are wonderful!!! They have instilled so much confidence and uplifted her self esteem that she is more confident than ever to go out and show people in the industry what she has. Many...
"Barbizon provides connections from agents and managers from all over the world. For someone that’s not in Barbizon, it’s harder for them to get in touch with agents and managers to get represented and into the projects. It gives them a step up compared to non Barbizon contestants."
"Barbizon offers not only modeling and acting but gives our young people of America the ability to learn about themselves, leadership, self independence and motivation."
"It’s (Barbizon) is preparing them for a career if that’s what they want. It shows them what to expect when they get out there. It’s the first step if you really want to be in the entertainment business."
"When we get a model from Barbizon, we know they’re trained and professional."
"I am writing you to express my continued confidence in working with Barbizon. I feel that you are one of the agencies that truly know how to develop and train models for the international modeling industry. In my years of working with you, I know that when I see models from your agency I will always be guaranteed a level...
"Barbizon is amazing to work with. They are professional and have a real knowledge of the industry that they use to prepare their students. I have had great success working with Barbizon."
"Oana recently did an interview with Aspiring Hollywood where she took the time to thank Barbizon. Oana has done a lot of print work for both Billabong and Bratz. She has also been involved in doing fashion shows for big names such as Hilary Duff and Mary-Kate and Ashley Olson! Oana’s advice for aspiring actors and models, Don’t give up!...
"Elite Chicago and Barbizon Midwest have enjoyed a very successful relationship for many years. We have discovered several beautiful girls that have turned into great models. Barbizon Midwest does a wonderful job at development and has supported Elite Chicago over the years."
"Although previous comments may lead one to believe I am not in support of all modeling schools, it should be known, there are certain schools, which actually do a great job in being honest and discover incredible talent who have gone on to great, huge careers. The team at the Barbizon is one of those schools and has an incredible...